Writing something like a start of a first chapter, presenting the main character and a symbolic vision in form of a snake and a mouse in the beautiful Swedish summer forest.
Klara sat atop the moss-covered boulder, her legs dangling over the edge as she gazed out over the forest valley. The summer sun warmed the stone beneath her, and a light breeze rustled the leaves of the tall beech trees lining the ridge. It was a peaceful spot, one of Klara's favorites for escaping from her chores and her parents nagging.

Movement in the underbrush below caught Klara's eye. A slender black snake with yellow spots on the head slithered into view, its forked tongue flicking. The mouse it pursued squeaked in terror as the snake shot out in lightning speed and caught it. Klara watched, fascinated, as the snake slowly swallowed the mouse whole, its jaw unhinging to allow the bulging lump of the rodent to slide down its throat.
She felt a shiver of primal awe watching the snake consume its prey, it almost turned her on. There was beauty in its smooth, cold-blooded efficiency. The natural order playing out, as it had for eons before Klara's time. This one small death would sustain the snake, allowing it to fulfill its purpose.

Klara imagined what powers the snake might possess, being so attuned to nature's rhythms. She envied its ability to shed its skin and transform, leaving the old version of itself behind. She wished sometimes that she could do the same, escaping the uncertainty of her future. But her path seemed as predetermined as the snake's, both of them bound to ancient instincts bigger than themselves.
The snake finished its meal and slithered back into the underbrush as silently as it had arrived. Klara sighed, knowing she should head back home soon to finish her chores before tonight's ritual. She lingered atop the sun-warmed rock, reluctant to leave this moment of stillness. But the forest shadows were already growing longer, and she could not avoid her fate.